Alexander Litvinenko in hospital in November 2006, three days before he died
Borris Volodarsky, a former GRU officer, has just released his latest book The KGB's Poison Factory: From Lenin to Litvinenko. Volodarsky is fairly well known from his previous works on Russian government agency and arms-length state-backed espionage and assassinations.
Volodarsky's latest book reveals a lot more detail on what (supposedly) really happened in the lead-up to November 2006, Litvinenko's death and events that followed.
Volodarsky reaches the same conclusion that every other journalist and investigation not under the thumb of the Kremlin has reached - that Andrei Lugovoy and his two buddies are as guilty as hell beyond any reasonable doubt and that such an operation must have had Putin's blessing or was executed upon his orders.
The story is one David Cornwell would be proud to author. The Rule of Law is clearly alive and well in Russia - as the Telegraph excerpt conclusion illustrates:
Throughout 2007 a media war raged. On one side there was the Kremlin propaganda facility pulling its punches. On the other, a group of people in different countries did their best to learn and tell the world what happened to Colonel Alexander Litvinenko.
The conclusion of the CPS, based on a meticulous police investigation, was unequivocal – it was a murder and Lugovoy was charged with this crime. It was clearly 'Made in Russia’ but Russia refused - and still refuses - to extradite him. Instead, he was rewarded by being elected to the Federal Assembly and promoted. He is now Colonel Andrei Lugovoy.