Saturday, July 11, 2009

Genesis. . . .

Glad you stopped by.

I've set this up to make it easier to pass on items of interest. Until now, I've been emailing out lots of stuff to lots of different people.

No doubt some of you want to read this stuff, some of you don't. Some of it you're interested in, some of it you're not.

So this site will centralise all of this and let you pick & choose what you read from me, or just opt out. Power to the punters.

Don't expect much original content - mostly others have said it first and often better.

You can either visit the WWW version of the site here (which is where you are right now):

Or get the RSS feed from here:

I'm not going to cock about with the code of the site. Yawn. But if anyone has any suggestions for tweaking anything - speak up.

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