Friday, January 15, 2010

Genetics, Behaviour & Bullies

The orchid variant of the DRD4 gene, for instance, increases risk of ADHD (a syndrome best characterized, Cochran and Harpending write, “by actions that annoy elementary-school teachers”). Yet attentional restlessness can serve people well in environments that reward sensitivity to new stimuli.

Interesting that what annoys a primary school teacher might prove ultimately constructive. . . and it would be interesting to hear more about the relationship between dietary 5-HTP intake and 5-HIAA. Rather relevant to endemic users of specific recreational empathic entactogens.

Curious the article raises the "Dunbar Numbers" construct - which is interesting when applied to how large densely populated urban areas such as Mexico City, Tokyo or Moscow develop (would be good to hear Nick Gogerty's anthropological thoughts). Richard Branson had an intuitive take on this for maximal business-social interaction for his businesses/ business units - he restricted each business/ business unit to a limited immediate head count to maintain relational efficiency.

This all leads from another great article from The Atlantic: The Science of Success - worthy of a read.

Post title and original HT also via Mister Gogerty per his site above. Replication really is the highest form of flattery. . .

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